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How to use the Job Colour Replacement tool in Digital Factory Apparel Polyprint Edition v10

A guide on how to use the colour replacement tool and change the colours of your file to the desired ones.

Polyprint’s Digital Factory is equipped with the Job Colour Replacement tool that allows the user to replace a particular colour, with a tolerance option, using a colour picker. This feature allows quick corrections on the design that will result in the desirable colour hue. Keep in mind though, that this tool is suitable only for spot colours and not for colour gradients.

Polyprint Job Colour Replacement Screen

The software, also, provides the option of printing pantones and with the use of the colour replacement tool, the user can pick a specific colour of his choice that consists of a certain analogy of the basic CMYK inks and the print’s quality will result as imagined.

To use the Job Colour Replacement tool correctly, follow the steps below:

  • Step 1: Right-click on the uploaded file and select the Job Colour Replacement option.

Note: Make sure that you have chosen Open, in order for the file to be able to be subjected to changes.

  • Step 2: Two new windows will pop-up. One with the image preview and one with the Job Colour Replacement adjustable parameters.

    At the window with the preview, drag your mouse to the image, in order for the colour picker to show up. Tap on the colour you want to alter. The values displayed in the Input section are the original colours. Use the Output colour column to make changes and then, tap at the Add button, reading “Add to colour replacements”, to confirm the colour replacement.

  • Step 3: Optionally, you can increase the Tolerance option to include colours that are slightly off-hue. When all changes are made, click at the Apply button.
  • Step 4: At the Colour Preview Warning window that pops-up, select OK to preview the new colour substitution.
  • Step 5: Above the job preview, there are two icons. One with the Original preview and one with the Colour Replacement Preview. Click the second one to see the final outcome, after the colour replacements.